So you’ve probably noticed that we’ve made some changes to the look of the site! The record nears completion! There’s still some things to take care of, but it should be ready for you all to hear in early Spring. We’ve been adding more and more of the new tunes to our live set, so make sure to swing by a show. Indeed, if you have seen us recently, you’ve definitely heard the title track Monsoon Season — our massively epic 11 minute jam.
We’re still in the process of finalizing the track listing. We recorded way more than can possibly fit on a 12″, so we have to do some tallying to figure out what goes on the record proper and what gets released as something else. But — what we are thrilled to report is that we have an hour of new music we can’t wait to share with you.
Thanks to everyone who came out to party last week at Cherry Cola’s! Holy shit Tony Lima even came! Our friend Tim McCready has some cool pics and a report from last week. Go check it out here. It’s a big post, we come in about half way down!