Everyone feeling good? Excellent. Just a quick little update about what’s happening in Biblical Land!
First up: a couple of shows.
You can catch us this Friday in Toronto at the Bovine for CMW. It’s a crazy bill, with the reunited Starvin’ Hungry, the red-hot Flashing Lightnin’ and Sir Ian Blurton’s Happy Endings and more!
We will also be playing This Ain’t Hollywood in Hamilton on Saturday for the CFMU fundraiser with Sailboats Are White and others.
Next up: New LP!
We’re just putting some finishing touches on a final demo tune before we moving on to recording proper. We’re going to be starting bed tracks in about two weeks! Very exciting indeed! A couple of people asked if we’re going to do another EP. While the thought of a second, companion 10″ is certainly tempting, we’ve decided that the next offering should be a full-length affair.
What’s it going to sound like?
Crushing riffs, spaced-out jams and face-melting licks. Some of the songs are in the live set right now, but most of it is fresh material we’re crafting from the ground up for your listening pleasure. Basically, we’re expanding on all of our favourite things about the 10″: tension, dynamics and atmosphere.
When’s it going to be ready?
We’re hoping to move pretty quick on it. Schedules permitting, we’d love to have it mastered before the summer. The 10″ took a while to put together, mostly because we were a new band exploring a new sound. But we obviously now have a much better idea of what we want the band to sound like.
Anything else?
Yes, but let’s not blow our load all at once! Otherwise there won’t be anything to post about along the way.