Decoy Music has posted the first official review of Monsoon Season, praising the band’s sound as ‘unique and exciting’. Part the site’s regular Rapid Review feature, this one is short, but sweet!
Biblical’s sound is both unique and exciting. Imagine if The Black Keys smoked a ton of weed, got black-out drunk with Red Fang, and then partied with Queens of the Stone Age. For those that like to think in more concrete ways, this Canadian band has a sound steeped in indie rock, filtered through psych, stoner, and punk. It is equal parts fun and intelligent. “Married Man” is exceptionally melodic, with a dessert riff propelling everything forward at a slow, deliberate pace. “Second Sight” is the type of hazy punk-lite that should appeal to nearly everyone. This is stoner rock for those that don’t actually smoke. Tokin’ music for those who don’t toke.