Hey all,
Sorry it’s been a little while since we’ve posted. A few juicy tidbits to report. First off, we’re happy to announce that the BIBLICAL EP is now available worldwide through our friends over at Blood and Water digital distro and IODA. That means the record is now available through iTunes, eMusic and pretty much every other digital retailer the world over. It’s also available through streaming services like Spotify and LastFM. Thanks to Mark and Jacob at B+W for hooking us up!
Now, as the EP filters through the stores and services around the world, we’re finally all set to start recording the full length! On May 26th we’ll be heading into Candle Recording with Mr. Leon Taheny at the helm. Candle is a fantastic new space here in TO, and we’re really excited to get started. We’ve had a few false starts over the past few months, mostly due to some last minute additions to the material for the record, but we’re now ready to go! As we mentioned in a previous post, most of this material has been thoroughly demo’d, so we’re hoping that translates to a speedy workflow for tracking.
That’s about it for now! Friday’s show in Hamilton is our last until July, while we wrestle this beast of a recording into submission. We’re planning pull out some of the new tunes, so if you want a little preview, make sure to stop by This Ain’t Hollywood in The Hammer!